The Bishkek Children’s Hematology Department of the National Maternity and Childhood Protection Center under the Ministry of Health Care will host a charity campaign on the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day, traditionally celebrated on November 20. The campaign is organized by the Help the Children with Cancer – SKD – a public charity foundation, supporting children with oncological and hematological diseases.
The campaign will include presentation of the Not only Medications Can Heal project, implemented in Kyrgyzstan under the sponsorship of the Swiss Cooperation Office.
Children’s oncology hematology is a trend of medicine, which at full length requires high professional medical skills and material support, the event’s organizers said.
“It is a big tragedy when children die because of helplessness of the medicine, but if they die because of lack of funds it is a moral catastrophe of the society,” said Elena Perevoznikova the foundation’s director.