Within realization of the 2009-2010 monetary policy the National Bank of Kazakhstan does not provide for additional measures on control of inflation since it does not expect growth of inflationary pressure. Anvar Saidenov, Bank Head made it public at the Governmental session today.
“The Bank will focus primarily on ensuring stability of the country’s financial sector or in other words it will focus on mitigation of the monetary policy,” Saidenov said. According to him, all actions of the National Bank will proceed from the main guidelines of the 2009-2010 monetary policy.
“We will continue providing short-term liquidity to the banks, considering further extension of the list of pledged securities, providing loans to the banks without pledges and placing deposits of the National Bank and those organizations which assets we manage in the banks,” he said.
Alongside, Saidenov noted that the volumes of operations with the banks would not exceed 50% of the amount of banks’ own capital.