ACTED, Convergences and its partners: the Tourism Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, the International Finance Corporation and Asia +, within the European Union (EU) SwitchAsia Programme, are organizing the 1st Zero Carbon Forum in Tajikistan to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production in Tourism and beyond, says press release issued by ACTED.
This meeting of committed actors in this sector will take place on May 28th at the Serena Hotel, in Dushanbe. It will gather around 400 professionals: government agencies, companies, SCOs, academia, associations, finance institutions and media willing to act for change!
The Zero Carbon Forum aims to be a platform for dialogue and network among all stakeholders as well as to ensure the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy production in the community-based tourism sector and beyond in Tajikistan.
This theme will be addressed from different angles during sessions organized in dynamic formats that will enable the participants to collaboratively identify and create concrete solutions for the achievement of a Zero Carbon Tajikistan!
The Forum will also be the venue of the Zero Carbon Fair aiming at fostering market linkages between renewable energy and energy efficiency, green technologies and tourism organization. 40 structures will be present throughout the day to present their actions to the general public.
This one-day event is open to any structure wishing to join the Zero Carbon movement.
The Zero Carbon Forum is a non-profit organization, empowering members to reach sustainability targets with more speed, efficiency, and profit as a united effort. With defined roadmaps backed by peers, government, and leading sustainability experts — together we’re on a path to survive and thrive.